You Know What "They" Say About Fast Cars and Racy Lipstick | Switch2Pure

You Know What "They" Say About Fast Cars and Racy Lipstick | Switch2Pure

That Even Glamour Girls can go Green!

The well-heeled (“healed”) and glamour girls of Houston came together to celebrate the new subscription and e-commerce,, and learn more about safer skincare, clean beauty, and wellness. Just another "normal day" for these ladies....Tesla Motor demos, makeup color matching, mini facials, custom facial cocktails, mini manicures, and, well, SHOPPING! The only unusual part of the day for this jet-set crew was the amazing panel presented by Dr. Shezi Kirmani, Dr. Becky Steinbach and Switch2Pure founder, Estela Cockrell. A few of the topics highlighted were the microbiome, autoimmune disorders, hormones, weight loss, food sensitivities and exposure to toxins...these health issues are so often overlooked but NOT on this day.....

The day started off overcast with some light droplets (“I mean really?” thought, Estela), but the rain cleared just long enough for the ladies to stop at a Tesla of their choice for a front seat introduction (queue the FAST CAR). Ladies then made their way into the ultra-modern and green Cheri Flores Pavilion to have their nails polished, their skin color matched, and start the non-toxic browsing.

Dr. Kirmani of Pure MD, an Internal Medicine, Functional and Integrative physician started off the presentation by speaking about the body’s interdependent systems (what now?!). How each one of our unique body’s microbiome (good and bacteria balance in our gut) interact with our food sensitivities, hormones, and overall health to create our unique make up (not makeup, oh yay – right?!). She talked about simple and effective changes we can all make to support our bodies and our immune systems (think: stress relief (get over holding grudges!), meditation, diet change, food sensitivities, exercise, supplements and reducing our toxin exposure….All of this in an effort to reduce inflammation (remember cancer and autoimmune love for us to be inflamed). Goodbye toxins. HELLO, Switch2Pure!

Dr. Steinbach, a biological and general dentist (arriving despite the early October white-out in Aspen, where she is from) presented on overview on oral health and wellness. She touched on the gum’s microbiome. She reminded the ladies that the gut and our microbiome balance begins in the mouth (You are what you eat and your internal health can be reflected by your mouth’s health). She cautioned the group to avoid dentists who treat every patient the same way and to not be scared to ask questions about dental materials, infections, wisdom teeth, and gum bleeding (HINT: You aren’t supposed to bleed from your gums. “She said, no other part of your body bleeds when touched, nor should your mouth”….She suggested we take charge of our health, remove amalgam fillings (silver-looking fillings), and reminded us that flossing is one of the single easiest and cheapest things we can do to reduce systemic inflammation. (“Make it a double!” thought the ladies!).

Estela, the founder of Switch2Pure, then took the floor to introduce the ladies to the inside scoop on #S2P (She knew the ladies were ready to shop, so she made it quick!). Estela spoke about her long-time battle with multiple autoimmune, her personal pursuits in helping others, her research and advocacy. She was tired of the limitless, but still limited non-toxic options (marketed products that were not what they said they were and natural products that didn’t perform)! And, she told us, she was SO OVER the multi-level marketing currently available. All of this lead to the creation of Switch2Pure.

She stressed that seeking the right medical practitioners and being your own advocate were the only way to be sure you were doing best by your body. She talked about how important it was to use the right personal, skincare, and beauty products. She said, “we buy organic, we exercise, and then we go on about our day with shampoos, lipsticks, soaps and products laced with lead, carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, and synthetic chemicals.” She encouraged the ladies to shop like they normally do at the box retailers and to spare no expense when it came to their health and wellness and that of their families! (Enough is enough!!)

She reminded everyone of the #S2P mission: “At Switch2Pure, we believe that clean beauty and skincare don’t need to be complicated and a natural home should be more than a good idea. We take the guesswork out of switching to safer, with subscriptions, kits and collections that put pure-yet-powerful products into your hands and home. We pore over every label, obsess over every ingredient and test every product—so you don’t have to. Then we send you tried-and-true products based on your own wants and needs, so you can discover your new toxin-free favorites—and clean up your beauty, skincare and home regimen for good.”

She closed (with alligator tears) saying she was hopeful to make a HUGE impact on the way people viewed their bodies, the products they use and their overall wellness. She hoped to be a light and trusted source for so many….wellness seekers, autoimmune sufferers, new moms, the fancy, the simple and everyone in between.

She reminded us all about’s offerings:

A monthly subscription (think hands off, send me the GOOD stuff every month like clock-work!)

Customized kit collections (think skincare, beauty, wellness products hand-picked for you unique needs)

Safer products storefront Tried-and-true products ready to shop.

The ladies lined up with kits and products to buy, signed up for the subscription and most importantly left with knowledge to become their own advocate (and, well, let’s be clear, their own #purist)!

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